Matt plastic paste for indoors to get a rough finish.
Acrylic matt coating for outdoors. Acrylic copolymer-based paint modified with a silicone resin-based binder and water-based silicone additives.
Multi-purpose silicone and smooth paint with excellent coverage for indoors and outdoors.
Acrylic matt water-based paint for indoors and outdoors formulated with acrylic pure resin of maximum quality and insulating empty microspheres.
Acrylic water-based monocoat enamel. Extra matt. High quality special acrylic resin-based enamel to paint walls and ceilings, wood, plaster, iron, stone, cement surfaces for indoors.
Acrylic water-based monocoat enamel. Extra matt. High quality special acrylic resin-based enamel to paint walls and ceilings, wood, plaster, iron, stone, cement surfaces for indoors.
High-quality smooth coating, extra-matte finish. Specifically formulated to solve coverage and shine problems. Maximum coverage. It doesn't splash.
Dirección General de Empresas, Competitividad e Internacionalización
Ayudas -Adelante Inversión-, para el fomento de la inversión y la mejora de la productividad empresarial en Castilla-La Mancha, cofinanciadas en un 80 % por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional