Facade solutions: lasting protection and beauty

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Special Smooth Coating in Colours

Smooth matt acrylic coating in different colours with excellent coverage for outdoors that prevents mold. Resistant to the open air and UV.

Revestimiento Elastómero Colores

Revestimiento acrílico elástico semimate de extraordinaria elasticidad para fachadas. Ideal para protección de fachadas con grietas y fisuras ya que penetra y cubre fisuras de hasta 1 mm. Colores resistentes al exterior.

En envases de 4 y 14 litros. 

Revestimiento Acrílicoa pura 100% Colores

Revestimiento liso acrílico 100% para la decoración de fachadas con una excelente adherencia, dureza, resistencia al frote húmedo y a la formación de moho sobre la pintura. Óptima protección frente a la carbonatación del hormigón. Colores resistentes al exterior. Adecuado para estructuras de hormigón visto, encogrado, pilares...

En envases de 4 y 14 litros.

Rough Coating

Rough stony acrylic matt coating with excellent coverage for outdoors. Resistant to the open air and UV.

Professional Smooth Coating

Smooth acrylic matt coating for indoors and outdoors.

Industrial Smooth Coating

Smooth matt acrylic coating with excellent coverage for outdoors and indoors, that prevents mold. Resistant to the open air and UV.

Revestimiento Liso Especial

Revestimiento acrílico mate liso, transpirable y muy impermeable. Evita la aparición de moho. Adecuado como revestimiento para proteger toda clase de superficies de albañilería exterior.

En envases de 4 y 14 litros.

100% Acrylic Coating

Smooth coating for the decoration of facades with excellent adherence to the materials used in construction.

Special Elastic Smooth Coating

Elastic acrylic semi-matt coating with excellent elasticity for façades that is liquid and synthetic rubber-based and water-based.

Silicate-Based Coating

Natural inorganic paint, transparent and antibacterial, with a compound with potassium silicate modified with an acrylic copolymer in aqueous dispersion. Highly resilient to light and atmospheric conditions. High permeability to water steam. It petrifies by reaction with substrates with a mineral nature.

Silicone Resin Emulsion Paint for Façades

Acrylic matt coating for outdoors. Acrylic copolymer-based paint modified with a silicone resin-based binder and water-based silicone additives.


Multi-purpose silicone and smooth paint with excellent coverage for indoors and outdoors.


Acrylic matt water-based paint for indoors and outdoors formulated with acrylic pure resin of maximum quality and insulating empty microspheres.

Acrylic Mortar Background

Acrylic base with a smooth finish for the subsequent application of acrylic mortar.

Acrylic Mortar

Acrylic coating for decorative finishing of facades. Impervious to rainwater but permeable to water vapor.

Professional Sealer

Elastic sealer for terraces, covered places, synthetic liquid rubber and water-based roofs.

Fibreglass Sealer

Elastic sealer for terraces, covered places, synthetic liquid rubber, water and fibreglass-based roofs.

Special Sealer

Sealer with maximum elasticity. It is synthetic liquid rubber and water-based.

Impermeabilizante especial transparente

Impermeabilizante transparente de excelente elasticidad, para terrazas, cubiertas, tejados a base de emulsión estireno-acrílica al agua. 

Leakproof Thermal

Maximum elasticity waterproofing formulated with acrylic resins, hollow microspheres for insulation and reflective pigments. In white and red.


Binder compound by special resins in dispersion and additives for mixing with cement Porland. With all these components, a paste is obtained to apply with a thickness of more than 1 mm. The mixture is a product with an easy application that creates an adhesive coating.

Hydrophobic Consolidating Primer

Consolidating-water repellent fluid for building materials and water-based insulating materials.

Water repellent

Waterproof, water repellent fluid for building materials and water-based insulating materials.

Waterproofing varnish

Water-repellent and breathable varnish that revives the surface with a light and elegant shiny appearance.

Facade cleaner

Cleaner for substrates contaminated with fungi and algae prior to repainting.

Junta comunidades Castilla- La Mancha

Dirección General de Empresas, Competitividad e Internacionalización
Ayudas -Adelante Inversión-, para el fomento de la inversión y la mejora de la productividad empresarial en Castilla-La Mancha, cofinanciadas en un 80 % por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional


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