Variety of plastic paints for all your projects

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Matt plastic paint, with excellent whiteness and good coverage for indoors.


Matt plastic paint with excellent coverage for indoors and outdoors.


Matt plastic paint with good opacity and whiteness for indoors and covered outdoors.


Matt plastic paint for indoors-outdoors: washable and optimal coverage.


Matt plastic paint with excellent coverage and resistance for outdoors that prevents from having mold.


Economic matt plastic paint for the decoration of indoors surfaces.

Ecological Paint

Ecological matt plastic paint with excellent coverage for indoors. It meets the ecological requirements for the European Ecolabel.


Satin plastic paint with good shine level, whiteness and coverage for indoors and outdoors.


Satin plastic paint with good shine level, whiteness and coverage for indoors and outdoors.

K – 15

Indoor matt plastic paint with good opacity and whiteness. It can be used outdoors if the climatological conditions are mild.


Matt plastic paint with great coverage, resistance to wet rubbing, hardness, adherence and the formation of mold on the paint.


Extra matt plastic paint. High coverage for an indoor and mild outdoor use.


Matt plastic paint. High coverage. Indoor and outdoor use.


Vinylic matt plastic paint. Maximum coverage. Washable. Indoor and outdoor use. It does not splash.

AG Plus Sanitizing Paint

High covering matte plastic paint for indoor and outdoor use. Designed to disinfect. It incorporates Ag+ ions capable of inhibiting and preventing the development of 99.9% of known microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, yeasts, ... Ag+ ions are retained within the dry film. They maintain 100% of the antibacterial properties throughout the life of the paint.


Matte vinyl plastic paint with high hiding power for exterior and interior use.


Matte vinyl plastic paint with maximum coverage and extra washable for outdoor and indoor use. No 


Semi-gloss plastic paint, with high covering power and whiteness for outdoor and indoor use.


Extra matt anti-splash plastic paint, with high covering power for outdoor and indoor use. Contains berries essence.

Junta comunidades Castilla- La Mancha

Dirección General de Empresas, Competitividad e Internacionalización
Ayudas -Adelante Inversión-, para el fomento de la inversión y la mejora de la productividad empresarial en Castilla-La Mancha, cofinanciadas en un 80 % por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional


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