Solvent-based products for durable, professional finishes

Portada > Products > Solvent-based Products

Antioxidant Minium

Solvent-based antioxidant synthetic primer with high quality formulated with modified alkyd resins for the protection of iron and steel surface, for indoors or outdoors.

Lasur Antioxidant S/R

Solvent-based antioxidant synthetic primer with quick drying, fire-resistant (Fire reaction classification according to UNE 23727:1990 M1) formulated with modified alkyd resins and inhibiting corrosion pigment, for the protection of iron and steel surface, for indoors or outdoors.

White Universal Primer

Multi-surface antioxidant solvent-based primer with maximum adhesion formulated with especial resins for the preparation of iron, steel, aluminium, galvanized materials, rigid PVC, melanin, ceramic, etc., for indoors and outdoors.

Synthetic Sealing Primer

Matt synthetic sealing primer to prime and seal wood and plaster surfaces.

Glossy Synthetic Enamel

Glossy synthetic solvent-based enamel. High quality formulated enamel with modified alkyd resin for the protection and decoration of indoor-outdoor surfaces.

Matt Synthetic Enamel

Matt synthetic solvent-based enamel. High quality formulated enamel with modified alkyd resin for the protection and decoration of indoor-outdoor surfaces.

Satin Synthetic Enamel

Satin synthetic solvent-based enamel. High quality formulated enamel with modified alkyd resin for the protection and decoration of indoor-outdoor surfaces.

Epoxy Floors

Paint with Epoxy-polyamide solvent with two components for the protection of indoor floors formulated with pigments and additives of maximum resistance.


One-component acrylic paint with solvent for horizontal signposting.


Solvent-based smooth matt coating for façades with a Pliolite resin base. Maximum adhesion for any type of masonry surface.

Water-Repellent Varnish

Solvent-based penetrating colourless primer with polysiloxane that gives a water-repellent effect.

Thixotropic Paint

Solvent-based thixotropic paint. Matt and White. It is mainly used for indoors; it insulates and covers stains from: nicotine, soot, grease, mould, oxide, oil, smoke, humidity, etc., leaving a perfect finish.

Anti-Humidity Paint

Waterproof matt paint with deodorized solvent-based acrylic resin.

Chlorinerubber Swimming Pools

Paint formulated based on solvent-chlorinated rubber resins and special pigments, solid in sunlight and chlorinated water, for the protection and decoration of swimming pools, ponds and non-potable water tanks built in concrete, cement and the like. For indoor and outdoor use.

Junta comunidades Castilla- La Mancha

Dirección General de Empresas, Competitividad e Internacionalización
Ayudas -Adelante Inversión-, para el fomento de la inversión y la mejora de la productividad empresarial en Castilla-La Mancha, cofinanciadas en un 80 % por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional


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